March 26, 2008

"Ghost Riding The Whip" Officially Enters Mainstream

I never thought I'd see a group of suburban teenagers in a decent neighborhood "ghost riding the whip" at five-thirty in the evening, but that's exactly what I saw yesterday. It was one of those Honda Elements too, those real boxy jobs. Not my kind of car, but still, it was new and certainly not something a responsible person would ghost ride.

But I won't lie to you. Those boys ghost rode the hell out of that whip. There were four of these dudes, all about sixteen or seventeen years old. Straight ghostin'. They kept jumping in and out of the moving car, bumping that E-40 jam we all love so much, doing some crazy ass dance shit. There was even a little curly-haired one who did a crip dance on the hood, had me laughing pretty good. Reckless youth, beautiful youth. We were ghost riders once... and young.

I'll tell you, I was certain one of the four teenagers would be seriously hurt, but they all got away unscathed and basically came out of the whole affair looking cool as hell. I guess they dodged a bullet this time. But even if these guys happen to be remarkably talented at ghost riding the whip, the dangers of a pedestrian being hurt are simply too great to screw around with this sort of thing.

It was pretty awesome, though.

This is why it's dangerous

This is why it's cool


  1. "Jesus take the wheel
    Take it from my hands
    'Cause I can't do this on my own
    I'm letting go
    So give me one more chance
    Save me from this road I'm on
    Jesus take the wheel"

  2. Not every story is blog-worthy, DLM. You have to discriminate.

  3. These people are getting kicks I never even dream about. Check it out.

  4. Hey, DLM, I wanted to talk to you and ask how your recent project went. I haven't heard anything about it, so I wanted to get that information first hand from the horse's mouth. Look me up on facebook or myspace or whatever and send me your phone number, if you would. I'd like to speak with you.

  5. DLM,

    You don't have to be THIS discriminating. While you're waiting for the perfect post subject, your readers are flocking to other blogs.
